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bohr atom การใช้

  • One attempt to explain hydrogen spectral lines was the Bohr atom model.
  • You don't get Copenhagen without the Bohr atom.
  • I think that is bad advice on articles such as John Calvin and the Bohr Atom.
  • This model was eventually superseded by the Bohr atom, incorporating some early results from quantum mechanics.
  • Schr鰀inger's equation developed the idea from a flat two-dimensional Bohr atom to the three-dimensional wave function model.
  • It could be wiser to just spend more time explaining the photoelectric effect in greater detail, or explaining the Schrodinger atom vs . Bohr atom.
  • Is it somehow absorbed and re-emitted, a la the Bohr atom ( though it obviously can't be that if it is going to reflect ), or something else?
  • Is that so crazy ?;-) Newtonian gravity and the Bohr atom are also useful theoretical constructs, but if you interpret them literally you end up with incorrect models of reality.
  • The problem with the de Broglie hypothesis as applied to the Bohr atom is that we have forced a plane wave solution valid in empty space to a situation in which there is a strong attractive potential.
  • :: StuRat-- we have an article on Bohr atom, and I really doubt that anything is going to happen to it, but the Bohr atom only explains a limited number of things.
  • :: StuRat-- we have an article on Bohr atom, and I really doubt that anything is going to happen to it, but the Bohr atom only explains a limited number of things.
  • :: : : If StuRat could point to an article where quantum mechanics is used for what he thinks could just as easily be explained by the Bohr atom, then other people could evaluate his specific complaint.
  • :: : : : Well, you could introduce the topic of quantum mechanics with the Bohr atom, by pointing out how electrons can only exist in certain orbits, and must jump from one to another, emitting or absorbing the missing energy in the process.
  • :: : : : : The Bohr atom should certainly be discussed in an article on the history and development of quantum mechanics, and if something can be adequately explained by the Bohr atom, then there might not be a need to go into deep quantum-mechanical explanations on the subject.
  • :: : : : : The Bohr atom should certainly be discussed in an article on the history and development of quantum mechanics, and if something can be adequately explained by the Bohr atom, then there might not be a need to go into deep quantum-mechanical explanations on the subject.
  • In the quantum picture of Heisenberg, Schr鰀inger and others, the Bohr atom number " n " for each orbital became known as an " n-sphere " in a three dimensional atom and was pictured as the mean energy of the probability cloud of the electron's wave packet which surrounded the atom.
  • However, I'm not sure that there are very many such somethings beyond the lines of the spectrum of the hydrogen atom, and it doesn't make sense to go through the whole Bohr atom thing on every article which discusses quantum mechanics . . . talk ) 10 : 11, 14 January 2014 ( UTC)
  • One of the ambitious goals of string theory and other Theories of Everything is that, if correct, one of these theories will clear up why things are the way they are  it'll turn out that logically they " have " to be the way they are . ( An analogy  in 1913, it was a good question to ask, why are the Bohr atom electron orbits exactly where they are?
  • Well known examples include the heliocentric theory of planetary motion, the Bohr atom, the electromagnetic field, the kinetic theory of gases, gravitation, quarks, Mendelian genes, mass, velocity, etc . None of these constructs exists as a palpable entity occupying physical space .'He asked why psychology should be denied " the common right of every science to the use of hypothetical constructs or any theoretical speculation concerning causal explanations of its observable phenomena ?"
  • He also teamed with Jefferson Hane Weaver in authoring books on astronomy, general science, and mathematics, to include " The World of Physics : The Einstein Universe and the Bohr Atom " ( 1987, ISBN 0671499300 ), " The Concepts of Science : From Newton to Einstein " ( 1988, ISBN 9780306428722 ), " The Unfolding Universe : A Stellar Journey " ( 1989, ISBN 0306432641 ), " Conquering Mathematics : From Arithmetic to Calculus " ( 1991, ISBN 0306437686 ), " The Story of Astronomy " ( 1995, ISBN 9780306450907 ).